Friday, December 18, 2015

Congratulations! You Made It!

You would be able to make it!
You’ve already read all six gazillion pages of the School of Pipsology.
 Now, you belong to everything you need to conquer the FOREX world, retire in a year or two, and then go travel the world in your Gulfstream jet, right?
Make a tour on your mind again.
We are sorry to burst your bubble, but you have just barely scratched the surface.
We never sugarcoat things. We told you early on that it was going to be difficult.
When you’re a noob and just finished the School, you’re most likely going to be horrendously bad at trading.

 That is okay. Not like the noodles, there’s no such thing as an instant expert currency trader. Anything that’s worth learning well takes time. That’s why instant noodles taste disgusting.
By travelling straight through the markets and trading a live account would be like trying out for the NBA just right after reading “Basketball for Dummies“.
You may be get out-smarted, out-hustled, out-muscled, and out-maneuvered. You just haven’t developed the skills or mental/physical conditioning enough to hang with the pros yet.
There happens the same thing with the FOREX markets.

You know, the currency world is dynamic and complex. Brainiacs with PhDs and MBAs from Ivy League Schools rules this. They are person who have huge amounts of capital, and all the technological toys money can buy.
If you enter the FOREX trading world, you have be ready to dive in and wrestle with the biggest sharks. And they love feasting on noobs.
Now, are you scared?
It is done only for our the assurance that you understand thing well. We did not fun.

Actually, FOREX trading is serious business and you have to approach it that way.
As a conclusion, if anyone with the passion and commitment to learn this business has the chance to get their small piece of a very, very big pie and then some.

We assure you. You would be able make it, but before you start your FOREX trading adventure, here are a few lessons we’ve learned that we’d like to share to help you get started on the right path.

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